Section 1
Ascot Child Care Centre
Enrolment form
Questions 1 - 10
Complete the form given below.
Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR/ A NUMBER for each answer.
Personal details
Family name: Cullen
Child’s first name: 1 .............
Age: 2 .............
Birthday: 3 .............
Other children in the family: a brother aged 4................
Address: 5............Rd., Brisbane
Emergency contact number: 3467 8890
Relationship to child: 6................
Has difficulty in 7............ during the day
Is able to 8............ herself
Child-care arrangements
Days required: Monday and 9...................
Pick-up time: 10............
Section 2
Children's Activities during Holiday
Questions 11 – 20
Complete the table given below.
Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR/AND NUMBER for each answer.
Things to do in the holidays
- Main problem - children do not have a traditional 11..............................
Some ideas
- Give children jobs, for example cleaning the 12 ..............................
- At home, ask children to help in the 13................................
- Get children to make 14................. ahead of time
- Get children involved in community work such as visiting the 15..........................
- Involve older children in long-term 16 ................... In your community
- You may get some ideas from the 17.............................
- The local 18....................... is often the best place to find ideas
Things to remember
- Make sure children stay 19 ...........................
- Children up to the age of 20...................... need to be supervised by an adult
Section 3
Questions 21-24
Choose the correct option A, B or C
21. According to John, what is the main advantage of space exploration?
A. To supply resources for use on Earth.
B. To find out more about the origins of our planet.
C. To establish a colony for humans if Earth becomes uninhabitable.
22. According to the speakers, why can’t robots be sent into space instead of humans?
A. They cannot operate for long enough.
B. They are too expensive to build.
C. They are too reliant on humans.
23. What are we told about the space technology currently used?
A. It can be unreliable.
B. It is based on old technology.
C. It is becoming cheaper to produce.
24. What is the biggest problem in sending robots to Mars?
A. the distance
B. the atmosphere
C. the extreme temperatures
Questions 25-30
Who expresses the following opinions?
A John
B Susan
C Both John and Susan
25. We should plan a trip to Mars even though it may not happen soon.
26. We may eventually colonise Mars.
27. The soil on Mars is highly toxic.
28. The soil on Mars contains materials we could use.
29. Spaceships cannot be totally protected from radiation.
30. It is possible that humans could form a base on Mars.
Section 4
Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER.
The history of dentistry
Early history
The earliest reference to problems with teeth was in 31 …………….
The ancient Sumerians called problems with teeth ‘tooth 32 …………….
There is 33 ……………. to show that the Chinese used dental treatments.
Remedies and treatment
An old text from 34 ……………. reveals medical practices from 1700 to 1500 BC. The
text refers to the use of 35 …………….and 36 ……………. to relieve toothache.
In the fifth century BC a Greek 37 ……………. noted the beginnings of specialisation in medicine.
A Greek doctor was the first to 38 ……………. problem teeth.
In Europe during the 39 ……………., doctors performed dentistry in people’s homes.
A dentist from France is said to have founded 40 ……………. dentistry.